Wellness/ Folláine
Wellbeing Events and Yoga Classes in Donegal. (Scroll down for classes)
Self Care Sunday at the Grianán Hotel, Burt,
1-5pm, March 23rd 2025.

In the beautiful circular Tuatha De Dannan suite of the Grianán Hotel, Burt, enjoy a gentle yoga session facilitated by Maria Coleman from Donegal Yoga Retreats / Comhcheol Arts & Wellness. This accessible practice is designed to bring ease to the body and mind, and prepare for deeper relaxation during the closing sound bath. This blissful hour and half will include the soothing sounds of planetary tuned gongs and solfeggio tuned tibetan singing bowls. The frequencies induce deep relaxation.
Afterwards, enjoy the hotel's classic afternoon tea, with its mouthwatering selection of sandwiches, wraps and savory baking, as well as delicious pasteries. Let the organiser know in good time if you have special dietary requirements.
"You can't pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first." You will float home from this Self Care Sunday, your cup filled to brimming!
All paricipants are requested to bring their own yoga mat,* blanket, pillow and floor padding (i.e. sleeping bag, second thick blanket, folded quilt etc.) This equipment is essential for comfort while lying on the ground. All participants will be provided with a bolster.
*If you do not own a yoga mat, please request one by texting 0879667142

Maria is also inviting you, weather permitting, to meet at 11.30 that morning at the well of An Grianán Ailigh (to the right of the fort entrance). "We can sing the water mantra that came to me on St. Brigit's Day 2022."
'Uisce glan, uisce beannaithe, uisce flúirseach,
Uisce glan, uisce beannaithe, uisce beo,
Uisce glan, uisce beannaithe, uisce ársa'
(Text Maria on 0879667142 if you plan to attend this element of the event.)
An Grianán Ailigh/ 'The Grianán of Aileach' one of Ireland's most stunning hilltop forts, is just a 10 minute drive by car from the hotel. Alternatively, you could bring your all-weather gear and leave an hour or two for a leisurely walk up and back. The views across the Swilly, Inishowen are beyond, are breathtaking.
Sound Baths
(Deep Relaxation with Sound)

Sound Bath for deep relaxation and healing. Enjoy waves of soothing sound from Gongs, Chimes, Tibetan Singing Bowls and Crystal Bowls. This relaxing "sound bath," may help with fatigue, mood and stress, allowing your mind and body to go towards a deep relaxation response, where your own healing mechanisms are given a chance to work their magic. Featuring healing Solfeggio Frequencies and Planetary tuned instruments.
€25 (check Facebook page @comhcheol for current event listings) Book in advance, to avoid disappointment and text 0879667142 for a confirmation.
When packing for a sound bath :
- Think warmth and comfort. Comfortable clothes, warm socks, cosy blanket/s, hot water bottle?-Bring something padded to lie on. (Folded quilt, sleeping bag, camping mattress or a second yoga mat etc.)
- Consider bringing something to support under your knees. This passively releases the psoas muscles in the low back. (There are bolsters available. Please indicate by text if you want one provided. There is a limited supply so book early o879667I42).
- If you prefer lying in your side ( which is a wonderful way to avoid snoring ), consider bringing ANOTHER PILLOW to place between your knees.
- Arrive in good time so you are well settled before the start. Late arrivals can disturb the event.
- Remember DO NOT BRING YOUR PHONE into the sound bath!
Sound Healing After Care
Recent trauma or illness: If you have recently gone through an illness or a particularly traumatic experience, please check in with a professional health provider before receiving any alternative healing treatments.
Drink Water and Rest: Drink plenty of water before and after your sound bath session, and make sure to get plenty of rest afterwards. Hydration helps your body process and integrate the energetic shifts that may have occurred during the session.
Sound has a profound effect on the water in your body and this cell-deep effect can potentially cause after effects like dizziness, nausea, pain or headaches. These symptoms should dissipate overnight and the newly aligned energy integrate.
Emotional Awareness: Sound healing can lead to cathartic emotional releases. The strong vibrations can unlock pent-up feelings, and provide an avenue for emotional self- awareness, expression and release. Be kind and patient with yourself in the days after your treatment. Allow emotions to pass through in an atmosphere of non-judgement and unconditional love.
Lasting Effects: The effects of a sound treatment typically last for about 12-24 hours meaning that the effects might linger throughout the night, influencing your dreams etc. (Write down whatever emerges!)
Write it down: A sound journey can aid a high level of unconscious processing. It often happens that this can help to bring about moments of clarity. Journaling can help this processing and clarity to emerge.
Grounding: Take time to get grounded after the treatment. (e.g. Get you bare feet on the floor or ground, drink water, play with some gentle movement etc.) Your energy field may well be more open than usual afterwards so be mindful of what you let into your field (e.g. TV or social media feeds). Consider turning off your phone and talking a walk in nature.
Avoid Alcohol or Drugs: Substances can interfere with the energetic shifts and emotional processing that may occur following the session. By maintaining a clear and sober state, you can better integrate the healing effects of sound and stay well connected to your inner processes.
Healing Crisis: If you've ever felt a little funky after a treatment, you may be having a healing crisis; a short worsening of symptoms just after you've begun treatment. The true test, is how you feel once you've emerged on the other side. If it was a healing crisis, your body will feel better.
Be patient and trust your body's innate ability to heal itself. While experiencing symptoms, be gentle with yourself. Simple advice: "Rest, fluids, trust." Get plenty of rest, drink water and find ways to support the body as it undergoes the uncomfortable beginning stage of healing, rather than suppressing or short-circuiting the process. If your symptoms persist past one to three days—reach out for advise.
Reach out if needed: Sometimes sound can stir up deeper, more negative emotions e.g. sadness, grief, or the resurfacing of traumatic past memories.
All emotions are valid, negative or positive, and it is valuable to embrace these as part of your healing journey. Some of the emotions released could be deep blockages that have been buried for years. If you feel you need support regarding these emotional releases, please reach out to me and I will signpost a professional mental health provider for follow up guidance and support should this be needed.

Slow Yoga
A short video introducing Slow Yoga and what makes it different from other practices.
Wellbeing Retreats
No retreat listings currently. Please check back.

Retreats have a dedicated site - Donegal Yoga Retreats.
Visit the site to see what past retreat offerings and to read testimonials. Collaborators include renowned Iain Miller from Unique Ascent and Dr. Caroline Burrow, from Sea Stone Sky. Venues have included Errigal Hostel , Caisleán Óir, Carnaween House and Lough Meela Lodge.